
EVSC is committed to effective, hands-on EV curriculum and programming. Skills-based learning stimulates innovation and problem-solving skills among EV education learners. Practical experiences encourage students to think critically, analyze complex scenarios, and apply their knowledge to find creative solutions. By engaging in hands-on activities, students can explore new approaches, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop innovative solutions to challenges faced in the EV industry. Skills-based learning nurtures a mindset of continuous improvement and fosters the development of professionals who can drive innovation and address emerging issues in the field.

Traditional classroom-based learning alone may not adequately prepare individuals for the technical demands and real-world challenges of the EV sector. By incorporating practical training, such as hands-on workshops, simulations, and experiential learning opportunities, skills-based education enables students to develop proficiency in areas such as EV maintenance, diagnostics, charging infrastructure, and battery management making them more competitive in the job market.

EVSC recommends utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as a framework for developing educational goals, outcomes, and objectives for learning, training, and assessing EV education.


Describe the content and skills learners need to know by the end of the certification.

Learning outcomes

Specify the cognitive skills that the learner will have at the end of the course.


Specify the content and skills learners need to know by the end of a lesson.

guiding questions

Redesign objectives to elicit deeper understanding of the content through evaluation or judgement.